The new blogger layout is doing my head in..AHHHHH!!

Sunday 8 May 2011

Interviewing my little sister.

Hello Aisha, how are you today.
Emmm ok

1.What is your favorite colour?

2.How old are you?
i'm 5
Are you sure?
Ahee hee you have to do it im only little.
Aisha your 4.

3.Which is your favorite place?
B/M Bargains LOL ! !

4.Who is your best friend?
Zaymin Umm Kashifs daughter (Zaynab)

5.Who's your favorite aunty/uncle ?
Aine cus she buy my fweets and Philip cus he has fwee seats in his van.

Who is your favorite of my friends?
Aisa ssaawi (Aisha Al-issawi).

© Miss Maza Beldi

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