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Tuesday 13 September 2011

Libyan Soup

This is one of my favorite soups and i suppose you could call it a broth aswell.
It's known to arabs as 'Shurbal Leebeey' and is really nice on a cold day  :-)

1.Start by frying some onions til soft.

2.Brown some small cubes of beef.

3.Add your prefered spices, i like to add a tsp of pepper and a tsps of salt.

4.Add a small jar of bolognese sauce.

5.Then add some hot water and stir.

6.Once the soup is boilling add vermicelli pasta (can be bought in all good supermarkets).

7.When the pasta is soft turn the soup down to the lowest heat and mix in some corriander.

8.Turn the soup off.

9.Cover the top of it with dried mint and mix in.


I will upload a picture in about a week


© Miss Maza Beldi

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