The new blogger layout is doing my head in..AHHHHH!!

Sunday 24 July 2011

Interviewing 3yr old bro

Haven't updated my blog lately because i'm having bloggers block.....LOL!!

Me; Hello Ibi

Ibi; Hallow

Me; So ibi, what s your favorite colour?

Ibi; Black

Me; are you the grim reaper by any chance

Ibi; yeh

Me; okayyyy...on to more pressing matters, what do you think about Cameron and Clegg? 

Ibi; Ibbaheem ibba ibba eebaaheem

Me; ok so what do you think of the credit crunch and how can we stop it?

Ibi; u hafto pick up a cushin and frow it at it :D

OMG this is the most meaningles post in blogger history.....   : (   : (  
Help meeeee....please comment and give me some idea's, i'm deperate   :@

© Miss Maza Beldi

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