The new blogger layout is doing my head in..AHHHHH!!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Neon Nails

 This picture ^^(Above)^^ is quite dark so you can't see quite how bright it is

but you can in this one (below)

Best nail varnish EVVVER!!!       this is a neon pink nail varnish from beauty forever and only cost £1 SERIOUSLY CHEAP aaaaand **it doesn't say this on the bottle** but it is quick drying & it has so far has lasted 5 day without chipping... Defiantly recommend ;-)

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Syrian Appeal

I haven't updated my blog in ages. Having phone, camera & laptop problems....yeah i know right :-p
Anywayz I've just come across this blog and i thought i'd share it to help raise awareness about the war or 'situation' (as some people like to call it) in Syria .. :(

Plz suppport the Syrian apeal by clicking this link
Syria Live Blog !!!   
May contain some upsetting pictures

Friday, 11 May 2012

Monday, 23 April 2012

The Grand Nationals #2

This is just a news report from Australia

To view the Grand Nationals click this link

Baring in mind that all the horses names are quite weird so don't be confused if you hear things
like 'because i couldn't see' , 'shakalackaboomboom' &  'sea bass'

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Grand Nationals ;-(

Every year i hear about Cheltenham, Grand nationals and other races...i knew that they raced horses and i knew that the R.S.P.C.A were having big campaigns to ban the jockeys from whipping their horses and stuff like that >> now bearing in mind id never actually watched one of these races,
Today however i thought id watch 'The Grand Nationals' (4 the first time)...>>  i know that people do bet on horses winning and that allot of people watch the races but my god i can honestly have never seen anything like it >> it was terrible how the horses were being treated....

  • were whipped endlessly
  • fell and tripped over each other
  • get trampled on by other horses
And to top it all off there were two horses put down because they were so badly hurt during the race...

Another thing that i can't get over is the fact that the winning horse 'Neptune' was whipped constantly through the last 30 seconds of the race and then as soon a he was announced winner everything was fine and he was being patted and hugged by the same the same person that was whipping him 3 minutes earlier..the poor horses must be so confused.
The races should be ban altogether >>
No More Races!!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Huge Dog !

Me and my family drove to Ireland not long ago...we went to Cabra Castle to see the Irish Wolf  Hound
This is a picture of the dog......LOL

Notice anything familiar???


how could u miss it???

Saturday, 3 March 2012


  Whether it’s hearts and flowers, gurning faces or scrawled names, your doodles say an awful lot about you.

As handwriting expert Ruth Rostron puts it, because we doodle without thinking the patterns we choose can be very revealing - “like Freudian slips or body language that we are not aware of”.

For instance, emotional people who crave harmony tend to go for rounded shapes and symbols such as circles, suns, flowers, hearts, lips and balloons.

More down-to-earth, practical people who desire order draw square shapes and things that represent material security, such as boxes, doors, forts, towers, block letters and numbers.


Sunday, 18 December 2011

Best Game Ever

This Is The Best Game Evaaaaaaa

buttt..i havn't got past level 15

it's 14 accross then 4 down 

Friday, 28 October 2011

Hollow eeen

Don't ya just luuuuuv halloween ;-)

Stupid kids...
high on e numbers
ringing your doorbell a thousand times
cry when you give them a trick instead of a treat.
<i mean if they don't want one why give me the option>
"Trick or Treat!!" me>"i have no treats but i'll give you a trick 
"now i'm here"
"now i'm gone"


More Nail Art !

Quite easy.......i used a tooth pick to do the stripes.

Again easy but be careful with your colour choice because
it can look like dalmation spots otherwise. 

here i've used a bobbypin to make the pokadots........

If you try any of these patterns email me some pics...

Friday, 21 October 2011

Free Libyans

Gaddafi was reportedly found in a tunnel near the town of Sirte (© Phillippe Desmazes/AFP/Getty)

Muammar Gaddafi, 1942-2011
A ruler who raged against the rest of the world,
Brought down by his own people.

Libyan Americans celebrate the death of Gaddafi in front of the White House

Pictures Belong To Google!!

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Cruelty to animals poem

Animals running wild and free
This is not something that we can see.

My grandma told me she got a
Quick glimpse but never again never since.

the evil people stole a fluffy
Cubs lifetime yet this is not considered
A crime.

But these little animals don’t have a voice
Sadly they don’t even have a choice.

These horrible people think they’re clever
These animals won't see their parents not now not ever.

That’s why I’m writing this poem
Just go ask em “how things are gowwen”

It might sound crazy but it’s better than being lazy.
Or throwing a stone and shouting real loud….

Cruelty to animals Is something of which I’m Not proud.

© By Miss Maza Beldi

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Solar Storm 2012

    As you may have heard by now, NASA has now warned the public, "to get ready for a once in a life time solar event".  Dr Richard Fisher, head of NASA's Heliophysics Division said: "We know it's coming but we don't know how bad it's going to be."  But what NASA is not telling the public outright, is what should everyone be doing to get ready? Unlike hurricanes and snow storms most people know what to do, let alone what to expect. But a super solar storm is a completely different story al together.
    Unless you live under a rock, all major news networks as well as talk radio have started to cover the story, explaining exactly what the warning is actually telling us.  If NASA is right and we get a direct hit from a super solar storm, NASA goes on to sate that, "the economic damage will be greater then twenty Katrina size hurricanes that hit New Orleans combined. And that just for the United State alone.
    What most don't get is that a truly big solar storm sending x-class solar flares our way will cripple the world in more ways then we can possibly imagine, as it will cause nearly everything to no longer work ever again until you get it fixed. Imagine no more working cell phones, cars, trucks, planes, computers, TV, radio, or game machines. Since there will be no more power world wide for months on end, there will be no modern banking system in place, food stores will be looted and city water will soon stop working. If you are on an electric well pump, you lose your water right away. For those who do not have at least six to twelve months of water and food supplies, starvation stands to kill millions, if not billions of people.
It will take years to repair the damage from the direct hit of a super solar storm, this is the once in a life time solar event that NASA is warning everyone about.

  • Protect your car's electronic ignition from being fried from a jolt of high electromagnetic radiation from the sun.
  • Learn how to protect you and your family from prolonged exposure to heavy electromagnetic radiation.
  • Protect your electronics from shorting out.
  • Prevent your home from burning down from electrical overload.
  • Food, water and medical issues addressed.
  • Long term recovery issues that should not be ignored.
  • Paper money and other currencies.
  • The banking system and bank holidays that will lock you out of your money.
  • The untold dangers of a direct hit from a super x-class solar flare.
  • National Marshal Law and what you do not know about it.
  • Little Known Hording Law and how your food is tracked in various countries during a crises.

Libyan Soup

This is one of my favorite soups and i suppose you could call it a broth aswell.
It's known to arabs as 'Shurbal Leebeey' and is really nice on a cold day  :-)

1.Start by frying some onions til soft.

2.Brown some small cubes of beef.

3.Add your prefered spices, i like to add a tsp of pepper and a tsps of salt.

4.Add a small jar of bolognese sauce.

5.Then add some hot water and stir.

6.Once the soup is boilling add vermicelli pasta (can be bought in all good supermarkets).

7.When the pasta is soft turn the soup down to the lowest heat and mix in some corriander.

8.Turn the soup off.

9.Cover the top of it with dried mint and mix in.


I will upload a picture in about a week


© Miss Maza Beldi

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Primark Poem ! !

The journey commenced on Lily road, when Granny turned up looking quite old

We then went to get Carol, who turned up looking like a barrel.

To Alcester Road we came, Granny seemed to think it was all a game.

Her driving skills were pretty lame, though Carol was more to blame.

The man at the bus stop said go straight ahead, though we weren’t that sure because he looked half dead.

Well anywayz, it's a bit of a daze.

But all is well at the end of the day, but only because Carol did pay.

© Miss Maza Beldi

I know...........i'm sooo sad!     : P

Please Comment

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Interviewing 3yr old bro

Haven't updated my blog lately because i'm having bloggers block.....LOL!!

Me; Hello Ibi

Ibi; Hallow

Me; So ibi, what s your favorite colour?

Ibi; Black

Me; are you the grim reaper by any chance

Ibi; yeh

Me; okayyyy...on to more pressing matters, what do you think about Cameron and Clegg? 

Ibi; Ibbaheem ibba ibba eebaaheem

Me; ok so what do you think of the credit crunch and how can we stop it?

Ibi; u hafto pick up a cushin and frow it at it :D

OMG this is the most meaningles post in blogger history.....   : (   : (  
Help meeeee....please comment and give me some idea's, i'm deperate   :@

© Miss Maza Beldi

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

A Friend Is A Person...

A friend is a person who you love until the end.

A friend is a person whom for you would spend.

A friend is a person who you love a cherish.

A friend is a person whome in your heart will never perish.

A friend is a person who lays deep in your heart.

A friend is a person whom with you could never part.

© Miss Maza Beldi
               * 2nd March 2011 *

Tuesday, 28 June 2011


This is my friend Hamtarow, he comes everywere with me....

Eindhoven, Nederlands (2009)

Dar El Baida, Kingdom of Morocco (2010)

Cavan, Republic of Ireland (2005)

Devon, England (2011)

Cornwal, England (2009)

Algarve, Portugal (2010)

Seville, Spain (2009)

© Miss Maza Beldi

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Easy Leopard Skin Nails

You will need...

1. A nail varnish of your choice

 My choices...Maybeline New York

2. A clear nail varnish
My choice...Any kind because their all the same

3. A permanent marker
My choice...Asda Brand

4. A good friend to do the the hand you find hardest
My choice...My best friend Hamtarow

Step One
Paint your nails with two layers of your chosen nail varnish......Wait till completely dry.

Step Two
Use your permanent marker and draw messy 'c' and 'o' shapes

Step Three
Paint a layer of clear nail varnish over your pattern......Wait till dry.

Step Four
Show off your pretty nails to all your friends......    : )   : )

© Miss Maza Beldi

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Bet you didn't know these things : )

***Sorry haven't updated my blog for while had computer problems***

There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: 'abstemious' and 'facetious.'

TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.

A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.

A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.
A snail can sleep for three years.

(I know some people who could do this too!)

Almonds are a member of the peach family.

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
(I know some people are like that too.)

Babies are born without kneecaps.
They don't appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age.

February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.

In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.

Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors
Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite!

Rubber bandslast longer when refrigerated.

The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.

The cruise liner, QE 2,
moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns.

The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.

The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze completely solid .

There are more chickens than people in the world.

'Stewardesses' is the longest word
typed with only the left hand.

And 'lollipop' is the longest word typed
with your right hand.

No word in the English language rhymes with
month , orange, silver, or purple.

' Dreamt' is the only English word that ends in the letters 'mt'.
 our eyes are always the same size from birth,
but our nose
and ears never stop growing.

The sentence: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
uses every letter of the alphabet.

The words 'racecar,' 'kayak' and 'level' are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left.

Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds .
(Some days that's about what my memory span is.)

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Ban the Battery Cage

There are around 390 million egg laying hens in the European Union (EU) and more than two-thirds of them are confined to the barren battery cage system.

Hen Welfare
A battery hen spends her short life crammed into a small wire cage with several other hens. The floor is made of wire mesh. She has nothing to scratch at. Under EU law, the minimum floor space each bird is allowed is less than an A4 sheet of paper.
A barren battery cage prevents a hen from carrying out her natural behaviours, such as foraging for food, laying her eggs in a nest, roosting, stretching her wings and dust-bathing. This causes her extreme physical and psychological stress.

Pictures Belong To Google!!

Monday, 9 May 2011

How to make a crochet rose *By Guest blogger Tigress*

GUEST POST BY....Tigress.

Hi everyone
I'm Miss Maza's friend
And today I'm doing a guest post for her
Sometime ago I was searching the net for a large rose pattern and couldn't find one
So I made up my own
I use US terminology and UK crochet hook and wool size

Single crochet/sc
Double crochet/dc

You'll need:
Double knitting wool
4 mm or 5mm crochet hook
Embroidery needle

Roll off a good sized ball of wool
Double your yarn
Make a crochet knot
Ch 85
Ch 1,sc in each ch
Make a sc in the first st,miss 2 st,5 dc in the next,miss 2 st,sc in next st,miss 2 st,5 dc in next,etc...
until you get to the end
Roll up to see if you like how it looks
It should look more like a rose when you have sewn together
Fasten off
Sew in the ends
Cut a long length of wool and thread it into the needle
Roll up your rose so the bottom is flat
Sew through all layers,from side to side
Pull the thread tight so the outer layers curl in on the bottom of the rose
When the rose is firmly sewn up,fasten off
You should have a rose.
I used mostly 'Patons FAB!'for my roses 
For an even larger rose ch 90 or 100
The multi-colored  ones are 85 ch,the pink one is 90 ch and the red one is 100 ch
If it doesn't work for you or you don't understand something please comment and my friend will tell me
And comment if it works.
Miss Maza would love to have feedback and comments on her other posts :D
Please do not sell the finished objects on the web
You're welcome to sell anywhere else.

© Miss Maza Beldi*Tigress


There are many different opinions on how to determine your nationality.

My fathers Spanish
My mothers Moroccan
I have a British Passport
And i was born in Canada

I'd say i'm Spanish, what do you think ? ? ?

Where am i from?, why?

Leave your Comments or email me.....  : )

Opinions Appreciated.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Eye colour Bar Chart

I asked some family and friends what eye colour they have, here are the results.

Interviewing my little sister.

Hello Aisha, how are you today.
Emmm ok

1.What is your favorite colour?

2.How old are you?
i'm 5
Are you sure?
Ahee hee you have to do it im only little.
Aisha your 4.

3.Which is your favorite place?
B/M Bargains LOL ! !

4.Who is your best friend?
Zaymin Umm Kashifs daughter (Zaynab)

5.Who's your favorite aunty/uncle ?
Aine cus she buy my fweets and Philip cus he has fwee seats in his van.

Who is your favorite of my friends?
Aisa ssaawi (Aisha Al-issawi).

© Miss Maza Beldi

Interviewing my Brother

Topic: General

1.Whats the worst thing thats ever happened to you?
When i cut my thumb with a rusty saw.

2.Why on earth did you have a rusty saw?
I was just playing.

3.When your older where would you like to live, Why?
want to live in Morocco because there's nice weather and i could live on a farm.

4. What are your ambitions for the future?
I'm planning to open my own supermarket in Morocco.

5. If so what would you call your supermarket?

6. What do you think of wspa (The worlds society for the protection of Animals)?
It's a good idea it'll help save animals in need.

7. Would you ever like a pet of your own, If so what would you call it?
Yes, a dog called Rocky the 3rd.

Well thats it for now i've run out of questions.

© Miss Maza Beldi

Dear Friend

Dear Zaineb,
You were always there for me in BMS.
And i always know i can trust you with all my secrets.

Dear Aisha,
I alway know that i can talk to you about my problems,
And your craziness always make me laugh. 

Dear Dahbia,
Your always there to talk to and you always understand my jokes LOL ! !

Dear Asmaa,
You always backed me up in Saudischool and still do today,
And you've made so many promises and never broken one.

All my friends are special to me even if you weren't mensioned in the post. 

© Miss Maza Beldi